

look at the size of this thing!

hello there. it has been forever. i really hadn't intended to take a summer just sort of fell to the bottom of the list--and i haven't quite mustered the energy to bounce back.

we've been busy.

i say that every time. last night, after a slightly-more-eruptive-than-usual meltdown, jeff insisted that i stop working too hard and that in order to preserve my sanity (read: and his!) i should just blog for a little bit today. so here i am! yay!
lately we've been crossing all sorts of things off of the summer bucket list:

1. harvesting the garden. to be precise, i snagged 1 barely ripe tomato & 3 bell peppers off our plants before an army of blasted, dirty squirrels destroyed and consumed everything. boo. i guess they need to eat sometimes too--and can't afford the luxury of a grocery store like i can.
2. getting way way better veggies from the farmer's market. our neighbor stopped by with this cabbage last night. it. is. enormous! we can't seem to stop chuckling about it. at this point, all i could think to do with it was take a picture...i don't know how to even begin to eat it.
3. tossing a blanket in the grass and reading/ipading the afternoon away
4. playdates at the pool
5. dining al fresco both on our backyard deck & at a few neighborhood cafes
6. road trips x2
7. evenings at the park
8. s'mores


  1. You can make that awesome salad you made for me! That is what I am doing with my cabbages.

  2. I'm anxiously awaiting any ideas that get posted for the cabbage, because (not to try to one-up you, or anything) we have two, yes, two cabbages in our garden right now that are larger than basketballs and still growing. Some company brings a flat of 30 to the school each year and Caleb hates to let any go to waste! So other than coleslaw and saurkraut (blech!) I'm also not sure what to do. I know they're super healthy, but, since they were free I'm also tempted to just compost them!

  3. I had that same squirrel problem with my tomatoes! A friend suggested sprinkline cayenne pepper and chopped hot peppers around the plants, and that seems to be working. But I think the critters ate more tomatoes than we have this summer!

  4. Anonymous8/24/2011

    I also would not have the slightest clue what to do with that cabbage... Glad to see that you are taking the time to enjoy your summer : ) It has been so fun catching up with you all!

  5. That is HUGE! It sounds like you had a great summer.

  6. Looks like you'll be eating a lot of coleslaw! :) Actually, we have several cabbages in the school garden where I teach, so I checked out and they had many that sounded like they'd be worth a try! Good luck with your grand chou chou!

  7. Squirrels decided to remove and eat my Spring bulbs from the pots I had resting after they had finished flowering a few weeks ago - which drove me crazy! Annoying pests.

    Love that you popped in to fill us in on your summer and hope you enjoy every little last drop. xx

  8. So nice to see you back here! Glad you have had a chance to take a break though...when I first saw that picture I thought you've had a banner year for your garden! That is some cabbage and I like the others would have no idea what to do with it! We have tomatoes for the first time this year and no stinky little squirrels have bothered us. It must be because I have a sign in my yard that says "please don't eat the daisies". We had to put that up a few years ago after squirrels seriously ate our daisies....first the tops, then the bottoms, then they dug out the roots. Haven't had a problem since!

  9. Hey I miss you. We must talk, life has been really crazy here. You should make the tex mex dish that is in The Farm Chicks book, that will use up some of it anyway. I love that recipe, I eat it plain and with chips.


hi. thanks for your sweet words.