

i need to make heart cookies.

the other day, a little bit bored, g stated "i need to make heart cookies." (lately almost everything has been a dire need around here. we are working on sorting out the difference between needs and wants.) but i totally caved to this one. i needed to make heart cookies too. g helped with every step of the process and i must say, he is becoming quite handy with a rolling pin. once iced and sprinkled, we tied a bunch of them up into a pretty little package and mailed them to my grandma. we lost my grandpa a couple weeks ago and we figured it might be a fun way to brighten her day.
p.s. yes--those are big boy underpants in photo #2. potty training is underway. please pray.


  1. Love it! Feel free to make Auntie Kayt's day any day :) Good to see you guys today. Good luck with the PT.

  2. So sweet that he NEEDED to make heart cookies. He knew.

    And way to go on the potty training.

  3. How cute!! Maybe I *need* to make heart cookies too! :)

  4. I'm pretty sure that "needing" to make cookies is a valid use of the word "need". Glad G understands these things. :)

    And now I'm craving cookies!

    P.S. Good luck with the potty training. I once tried to conquer it with a particularly stubborn 3 year old boy in day care...after a few weeks, I cried the happiest tears the first day we went without an accident and made it to the potty every time! May it be just as rewarding for you! ;)

  5. I heart making sugar cookies.

  6. Anonymous8/29/2011

    aww! how sweet! i *need* to make heart cookies too!!!!

  7. They look gorgeous, as is G's 'need' to make them!

    Good luck with the potty training, have been witness to lots of attempts with nieces and nephews!

  8. Love that Graham "needed" to make heart cookies....and woohoo for big boy underpants!!

  9. he looks so sweet!! reminds me of my nephew...

  10. awesome photos! And, now I want cookies. Thanks a lot. :)

  11. Oh that G is too funny! How can you even keep a straight face when he tells you he "needs" cookies? I'd be giggling up a storm!

    My job at the daycare got a little more joyful when a little boy went from diaper-wearer to "a big boy!" Stickers were definitely handed out that day! :) Good luck.

    P.S. Congrats to the best photographers on getting the library shoot featured! What eye candy!

  12. So sweet! I love the cookies -- since we've gone gluten free, we've yet to find a tasty sugar cookie recipe. Lovely photos + good luck with potty training! :)

  13. what a precious day...

    love that you blogged it!

    super sweet... and potty training... eeek. Good luck!!

  14. I definitely think making heart shaped cookies is a need! :)

    These are so cute, I love his little floured arms! ADORABLE.

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hi. thanks for your sweet words.