

holiday by hand: friday idea book (+ a winner!)

I realize I've been a bit vague about all that this Holiday by Hand mini series entails...Truthfully I've still been sorting out the details inside the little idea file between my ears. Today I'm here to tell you that in addition to Monday giveaways + Maker interviews, you can also count on a Friday feature--dedicated to putting ideas on the page. Here I will share a few fun guest tutorials, as well as my own inspiration + real life adventures in holiday decorating, baking, gifting, and creating. {BTW: I'm still in the process of lining up a few friendly guests. Please be in touch if you have a craft you'd like to share!!} So here goes. How fun will this be!?
* Inspired wrapping: recycled paper + fabric garland by terrain. (My latest craze.)

*'Tis the Season for Christmas photos: Yes, yet another shameless self -plug. But this is such a sweet deal for our local friends that it's impossible to keep quiet! :) Over in photo biz land, Jeff & I are running a sweet deal on small holiday photo sessions for practically pennies (oh, and they include Christmas cards!). Pop over for details + pricing.*DIY Christmas photos: This year, scribble your season's greetings on a mini chalkboard to create crafty and card-worthy photos of your own!

Ahem, according to, a huge hooray is in order for this week's giveaway winner:
Congrats to

Jennifer who said...

I am totally sharing this and what you do with everyone i know!!! YEAH!!

for winning a $25 gift card from eKate!
Please shoot me an email at{at} to claim your prize.

P.S. Dear Janelle who won this giveaway...If you're out there somewhere...Could you please also get in touch? We are dying to send you your prize!!


  1. robyn here, from Minimalist Knitter ( i'd love to share a super simple crochet project i'm working on for the holidays - shoot me an e-mail at if you'd like to hear more.

  2. Aww - such a sweet inspiration for Christmas cards this year! I love the ideas! I too love to create packages that are from the heart. :) Anything crafty and hands-on is amazing. :) However this year I am stuck buying the prepared rolls of wrapping at the store. 2 children and a house full of daily chores is crazy. Love your post sweetie - have a great day!

  3. i love that gralend too. This year I want to try and make garland like anthro's from last year (remember the felt circles?) looking forward to your ideas.

  4. So happy you stopped by my blog so I could find yours! I love it!

    Following ; )


  5. Anonymous11/14/2010

    I love that idea of using a globe in the Christmas photo. I think I might try that idea for our Christmas cards! I hope that's okay!


hi. thanks for your sweet words.