

a bite out of crime

I realize this is not the most attractive pre-Halloween pumpkin picture.
But Someone (or something) has been eating our perfectly round pumpkin.
It's not Graham, although he has been known to eat...well, things you or I would not eat.
It's not the same person who has been snitching Skittles from the stash for trick-or-treaters. Confession: only I know where that stash is located.
It's an army of dirty, fearless, and ravenous squirrels. Our backyard is somewhat of a safe haven, because our neighbors on either side have big furry dogs to chase them you know where. Our dogless yard.
Maybe they will chew through to the middle by Sunday and will save us the trouble of carving it. It's no fun making jack-o-lanterns out of someone else's leftovers...

Do tell, what are your Halloween plans? I am dressing up as a nurse and hanging out in the ICU all weekend (working). Don't feel sorry for me, I'm sure there will be lots of candy. Jeff and the boy will be masquerading as Curious George + Man in Yellow Hat on their own. How handy that we had costumes leftover?

So jealous of this week's giveaway winner:
Jen said...Turquoise! Oh my goodness. Love that color, and the fall berries make it. :)

***Jen, please email me your mailing address at{at} Oh, and any previous Meet the Maker winners who have not yet claimed their prize, please email me your address also!!***

For everyone else who had their heart set on a pretty wreath, there are lots more in store at Lovely Nest...So go treat yourself!

And finally, I have a little announcement:
No Meet the Maker Monday next week. It will be back 11/8 with a holiday twist! Can't wait!

Happy Halloweening.


  1. Anonymous10/29/2010

    Jack and Shae are also going to be Curious George and the Man in the Yellow hat! (Though not in that order.. :-)

  2. Anonymous10/29/2010

    um, that same thing happened to one of our pumpkins! I was suspecting a squirrel also. We even have a dog and that hasn't scared them off.

  3. My 3 year old is going as a Giraffe this year. (his favorite animal, by far) My 3 week old has a very cute onesie that has an owl, a ghostie and a bat on it and the bib that goes with it says "Too cute to spook". =) He won't be going out though, he is still too little, so he will enjoy some time at home with mamaw. Happy Halloween sweetie - hope it is a great one for you and your family.

  4. I love this picture and it's not perfect-ness! Beautiful and think how happy those little squirrels are about their tasty treat!
    Trick or treating for me with our nephews - i think i'm more excited than they are. Hope you guys have an awesome time xx
    ps. love the yellow flowers and your wellies in the last post xx

  5. Ha! I definitely thought it was Graham who ate the pumpkin. And Curious George will be so cute! Great idea.

  6. crazy - the squirrels decimated our pumpkins too we have never had that happen before. can't wait to see halloween pics.


hi. thanks for your sweet words.