

Give Crafty Workshop!

There's a chill in the air, friends. Yesterday morning I put on socks for the first time since late March.  Socks!  Ok, perhaps that's an exaggeration, but I truly only wear socks if I absolutely must. It makes me think that we have officially entered fall, which means there will be cozier days ahead.  Cozier days ahead mean that it's time to sit inside and craft.  And it is never too soon to make a list of handmade projects you'll want to have on hand for the holiday giving season!  Exactly for this reason, my friend Amanda & I are hosting another handmade gift workshop on 11/17 called GIVE CRAFTY, and registration is opening this week!  If you are in the Midwest, or need an excuse to visit the Midwest, you should most definitely come.  You can register here beginning FRIDAY at 8am CST!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear me oh my. I want to come SO BADLY....alas...Washington state is not considered to be part of the midwest. Is there any way that those of us out of towners could follow along via this lovely thing called the world wide web???? Those head bands are perfect. I cannot wait to see what else you ladies have up your sleeves!


hi. thanks for your sweet words.