today the sun was shining and the whole world seemed extra splendorous. it's getting warm here. ever last inch of snow has melted off of our deck and we even set out our patio furniture. life is so good. last summer i bordered my flower garden with a hundred little irises in hopes that one or two might peak through this spring. i took a little walk this afternoon just to see if anything had sprouted and lo and is spring here for sure. i love the way that God grows things despite my complete ignorance about the botanical kingdom. i am dying to grow some veggies this summer but know next to nothing about gardening. i've signed up for vegetable gardening 101 at our local library...super excited for that! in the mean time, does anyone have any advice on urban gardening? what are the most fool proof (and delicious) things to grow? and how do i deter those dreadful squirrels?? i found some awesome containers to plant an herb garden on our deck and have high hopes to put a few little things in the ground. green is in and in to stay.
spring is all around
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I've found that zucchini was really easy to grow! I just threw some seeds in the ground around mid-summer and the plants were HUGE by August. Honestly, we didn't even own a hose at the time so they were mostly watered by rain when we got it. I'm going to do more planning for my garden this year too. Good luck with yours!
I totally meant to tell you after our last chat, but I found a few great books at the library that detail how to build/maintain a square foot garden. So if you still want to do one, definitely check out the hennepin county library site!
I agree with Melissa, I also had alot of fun growing tomatoes in a planter last year we had tons of them :)
Enjoy you gardening
The only thing I can tell you about squirrels is - don't plant daisies! I had a nasty little squirrel that totally ate my daisy plant. One part at a time. Hence the sign that is now in my garden..."Please don't eat the daisies"!
Jessica, I love the idea to take a gardening class at the library! We just moved to Colorado and get to start house hunting and are hoping to have a house in time to have a garden this year. I did a search and found some gardening class opportunities around here. Yea! Thanks for the good idea. Kelly
I'm excited to see your garden! The herb display you posted pictures to (last year?) was inspiring!
I found the book "The Bountiful Container" at a local garden center, and like it for a good overall guide to container gardening.
It has a lot of information about growing edibles in containers including how to choose and/or build containers and a good selection of different types of fruits, veggies, and herbs to grow in containers. I appreciate that they are attentive to creating visually appealing displays as well.
Their plant selections are a good start. Their lists are tailored to what grows well in containers. For more specifics about what grows well in your area, a good resource is state university extension publications from your region. Also, nurseries *usually* carry varieties that work well in their area. Whole Foods often stocks organic plants that work well for the area; the tomatoes we got there last year did quite well. at work for your climate/growing conditions. Tomatoes are not too hard to grow as long as you choose kinds th Growing determinate (small plants, fruit at once) tomatoes is easier in pots than indeterminate (large sprawling plants that fruit continuously til frost). Some new tomatoes are a mix between the two; they flower continuously but plants stay at a small size.
Many county extensions offer a "Master Gardener" class for free in return for committing to community gardening service. You do not have to be a master to join. I'm thinking about signing up for the next one here in Feb.
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