The other night, Graham got to wear his new fire truck jammies for the first time, and was so super giddy about it. They're lame and cartoony, I know, but he got to pick them out himself at Target. He was so proud of them and being such a little ham, which made the perfect opportunity for a pseudo-photo booth (in our living room). Little did we know, they were impetus for his latest fetish. We've been watching fire truck movies on You tube and talking about fire trucks all day long. I love how he is turning into such a little person with his own interests and tastes. His latest surge of independence has come with a price--the melt-downs have totally spun out of control. Gosh, I love this kid, but I'm not going to lie; he's been really tough the last few days. I thought the horrible crying spells were over once we graduated from colic land...but the twosies are upon us and I'm afraid that things are going to get worse before they get better. The fact that he's too young to understand rationale and reason is super hard right now. Thankfully, crazy happy pictures and sweet little memories like these preserve my sanity and make it all worthwhile.
fighting fires
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Exactly. Enjoy those moments and cherish the memories. :) I know my lil munchkin will be 4 in July, and I think the he has been going through the 'terrifying' threes. lol. Then a friends said, "Wait till he runs the 'frightful' fours, or the 'flipping' fives, or the 'physcotic' sixes. LOL. I was like, "wow". ha ha. I think every kid goes through 'phases' all through life...we just have to get through it and love on 'em. Just think, our boys will be grown up, married, and we will be wondering where the time went. *tears up*
please give him a big-very big-kiss from me!!!He is fantastic!!!!And you are so sweet mammy!!!!I wish you the best for you and your wonderfull family!!!
Regards from Crete-Greece!!!
I have a theory that the terrible twos are primarily a communication problem. He knows what he wants you to know but you don't always understand and it's not that he's being unreasonable. He just wants to be understood!
But that's just my theory. And it doesn't make the meltdowns go away, but I think it makes them more bearable, having a reason and all. :-)
bought the same jammies for my grandson. had to though because his daddy is a fireman! can relate to your struggles as my grandson has his moments too. his little excuse me whenever his mommy and i are talking helps makes up for it though!
yes yes yes.. fighting fires...
I have a little tantrum inducing firefighting loving little 2 of my own.... and oh boy oh boy.. the pictures do pretty much keep him alive... because if it weren't for him being so darn beautiful...
oh me oh my.
we will we will survive toddler boys.
I was just telling hubby the other day that if I could go back and re-raise our oldest daughter I TOTALLY would. I had such a short temper and would yell at her. My perfect little gorgeous girl. It makes me want to cry thinking about it now. Thank goodness God forgives me and she doesn't remember.
With daughter #4 there are the same meltdowns (sorry to say, I think 3 is harder than 2 because they DO have reason!), but at least now I have the patience to get through them! I'm sure you're doing just fine, mama.
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