

i'm ready to rock the bob.

I plopped down in my adorable, sweet, and pregnant new stylist's swivel chair this afternoon and blurted out, "I'm ready to rock the bob." Not sure where that came from, except that I've been totally jonesing for some short hair ever since I saw this. I had absolutely no reservations--I was ready for something cute and fun and new and super cool for summer. When we got to the part where she cut my bangs, she asked if I wanted straight bangs. I replied "sure, since we're already going crazy."

And I love. Looove. It fell a little flat before I could get these pictures, but I think my new hair and I are going to be friends. I haven't tried styling it on my own yet, but that dear stylist assured me it's going to be all wash-and-wear from this day forward and I should style it only if I want to look extra sleek.

I've been super sick all week As in, more-sick-than-I-can-ever-remember. I lost my voice for 3 whole days and did not answer my phone or leave the house, because I was literally mute! Thankfully it was all rain and drear, so I don't think I missed much in the outdoor world. Indoors, Graham had a rave and I sat on the couch, thinking about the 1,000 things I wish I could get done.

So today, it felt amazing to get out of the house. Just being back in civilization has me feeling incredibly better. And a fun new haircut has officially brought me though my summer slump. Yay!


  1. Well, let me be the first to are totally rocking that bob!!! It is super cute and totally flattering! LOVE it!

  2. Oh, it's so, so, so, so cute, Jess! You can totally rock the bob, no questions asked. If my hair were less curls and my face less round, I would definitely have been convinced to chop by the end of this post! It so summery and do the bob well. :)

    Sorry to hear about catching the crud. Here's hoping no one else in your home comes down with it, too!

  3. It looks so good!

  4. It's adorable! You look great! Enjoy!

  5. jessica.. it's darling. absolutely perfectly adorable. loving the bangs and the bounce of it. i love that it is choppy and fun. welcome to a new summer 'do. so cute. of course you'd be cute with a buzz cut.

    glad you're feeling better. so wonderful to have a new lease on life after being sick! xo.

  6. Anonymous6/23/2011

    it looks so cute!! way to be brave and just go for it! it totally paid off.

  7. looks great! Makes me want to chop mine off too....

  8. Anonymous6/23/2011

    LOVE your new hair style!! it looks so adorable on you!

  9. I love it and you totally look like Hillary Swank! Love the bangs, wish mine behaved like that instead of having all these weird poke up cow-licks all over. Sigh.

  10. you are a movie star!
    maybe just a super cute mommy. :)

  11. Aww, super sweet! I love the 'bob'! I did the same 'crazy' thing 2 years ago, after my hubby and I renewed our wedding vows. I wanted long hair for the wedding, but a month later...I got the BOB! lol. I loved it! You look so nice, and chic! ;) Way to go!

  12. you look adorable!!! and more sophisticated... nice D-O - love it!

  13. Super cute! You just inspired me to go back to short hair as well. Booked my appointment for next week! :)

  14. Very cute! Love the bob!! You need to post more...we miss you. PS - I am a friend of Leslie's and I absolutely love your blog...and that you are a nurse... ;)

  15. You look amazing! I am inspired to cut mine! I am in need of a change!


hi. thanks for your sweet words.