

valentines, check

I was beginning to fret over the perfect hand-crafted Valentine design (not to mention finding the time to mass-produce it). After a burst of inspiration at Graham's toddler class this week, I whipped out a stack of purple + pink cardstock, a glue stick, and let the lad do all of the work. Never get between a 22-month old and a glue stick, that is my new motto. {Wow, he is really less than 2 months from 2. Insane.} We were quite the team, morning and afternoon. Near the end, I couldn't cut little hearts fast enough; I'm telling you, this boy is a pasting wizard.

The glue stick was pretty short-lived, so we turned to a roll of double-stick tape next. Of course there were lots of stray glue streaks and tape edges on his finished products, which I completely embraced and finished off with a coat of silver glitter. (Quite possibly our favorite element.) The best part is, they didn't cost us a cent. They were all made with scraps and supplies we had on hand. I am so so proud of the results and can't wait to stick them in the mail tomorrow!


  1. Aww, these are adorable - and so is G!! :)

  2. what a little cutie! the valentines are so pretty strung together like that!

  3. Anonymous2/11/2011

    I didn't realize you had a Graham too. Our Graham turns 2 next week! Love the valentines. :)

  4. How adorable! I love the pictures :)

  5. And who wouldn't love to get one of these sweet hand made with those cute grubby fingers with love valentines in the mail? Wow - long sentence! Loved it because I can totally picture Q just eating the glue stick and throwing all those carefully cut hearts on the floor! G has his Mom & Dad's talent for sure! And Happy, happy birthday friend - hope it is sweet and fun and full of surprises!

  6. So cute!! Love it!
    P.S. Happy BIRTHDAY! ;)

  7. Everyone who sees this in their mailbox will absolutely love it!

  8. This is one of the best ideas for Valentine's Day cards! I love the photos...looks like a blast!

  9. Such a cute project! But I love how your little one is looking up at you in the one picture. It is almost as if he is saying, "Mamma why are you standing on the chair with your camera?" Too cute.

  10. Love them! Also love the diddy little ones you have on the window. And the look of his face which to me says "Mummy, why are you stood on a chair taking a photo" - adorable!

  11. This inspired a last minute Sunday School craft for my little three-year-olds. Didn't really have much to do with church, but they had SO MUCH FUN and loved giving it to their mommies afterwards.

    Thanks for the quick save!


hi. thanks for your sweet words.