

now tumbling!

A new year is the perfect time to start a new hobby. Have you heard of tumblr? {No? Then I won't feel so much like the last girl on the band wagon...} It's a mini-blogging site where you can stash + share the most inspiring quotes and pictures from all over the web. It's super quick and easy to use and it's seriously helping me to define my style. My small but growing collection is called how swell! and it's my happy little dream world. I've added a link + button over on the right hand side so you can go back and visit every once in awhile. But better yet, go start your own tumblr love affair. Make a page of your own and then start following a few of my favs:

tiny white daisies
sweet + lovely things
hearts aflutter
green wellies

Do you tumble? Pretty please leave a link to your page so I can admire yours too!


  1. A huge thank you Jessica for mentioning my own Tumblr 'tinywhitedaisies'. I am a self-confessed Tumblr addict and could not imagine a week without it and therefore cannot recommend it enough!

  2. Thanks for including me in your list. Have you ever clicked on the archive button of someone's tumblr? Your entire screen will fill up with the loveliest photos! It makes it easier/faster to reblog, too...

    There's one link on that list I don't think I know yet. I'm off to check it out!

    Happy Weekend! Happy tumbling!

    PS: Last year, Cassie and I did a Tumblr Tuesday each week on our regular blogs, showcasing some of our favourite photos... Perhaps the three of us could do that sometime this spring? It was so much fun!

  3. Thanks for the great idea! :) I appreciate you clueing me in considering I had no idea of this miniblog either.

    I could use some help though, how did you get the button for your blog? I am guessing it is straightforward, but I can't get mine to work! I would appreciate the help. Thanks!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jess,it makes me happy beyond words, to know you are now sharing in the joys of's my happy spot for sure! xo

  6. ooh how fun!
    love your page
    i totally need to get back to tumblring...

  7. i love the pictures you assembled. especially the sweet kitchen. i haven't started a page yet though b/c i fear that my schedule can't handle another addiction.

  8. I do tumble, and I found some new favorites when I looked at your page!

  9. Jessica! Thank you SO much for the directions on how to make the button. I am still learning the ins and outs of blogger :) I appreciate it and have added it to my things "to do" tomorrow. Enjoy your week!

  10. Good Monday morning! Here's a link to my Tumblr Tuesday posts...

    Take a look and see what you think! Because it's already Monday, I thought this week we could just choose our favourite photo of the week, or maybe our top 3? Or we could choose a theme of some sort. And we can always start later in the month if you prefer. Fun! I'll email Cassie and see if she wants to join in too. Loooove Tumblr Tuesdays... it's a great chance to browse the archives!

  11. Ohh! Yay! I just joined tumblr too, mostly as a way to keep track of all of the fun projects I see in blogland... I'm not very good at it (only have a few posts), but my addy is:

  12. Okay, I am officially in love with those upside down teacup lamps...

  13. love your blog. So glad I found it! I just heard of tumble this week. I could spend hours there.


hi. thanks for your sweet words.