

blog lovin

One of the things on my New Year's agenda was to ditch Google reader. Mine has just grown out of hand. I would frequently open it and find 500+ unread posts and feel all this undue stress about having not kept up with dozens and dozens of blogs. I could feel my blood pressure surge and I wouldn't even know where to start. It was beginning to feel like some sort of inbox obligation. Not fun.

So I was so extremely delighted when kt introduced me to Bloglovin! Have you heard? It's a similar feed, but it nicely integrates all the latest posts in time sequence, plus gives you a preview pic right on your screen. It seems especially designed for me. Don't get me wrong--I still love hopping directly to blogs as much as possible to take in the full effect, but let's be real, there's no way you can do it all, every day.

I've only just added a handful of blogs, but already, I am in love. Off to add some more!


  1. i feel ya with google reader-- i finally made a couple of categories... "must reads" and "keep an eye on" and that helps a lot. now if i don't get through everything (which is most of the time) i just look at those and mark everything else as read!

  2. It's awesome isn't it!!

    Don't forget you can put them in categories too - friends, design blogs, craft blogs anything really! And read according to what you feel like etc. And you can mark the whole group as read if you don't want them to pop up as new posts.

    By double clicking it opens up the post on the pretty blog page or you can click their blog name underneath the post to open up the page and all posts as normal.

    I just hope they figure out how to sort out liked posts - cause I am building a little collection there :)

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  4. Isn't it funny how stressful that Google Reader items number can be? Thanks for the Blog Lovin' recommendation. I'm going to check it out.

    I have a goal to go through my reader and purge. Right now, I'm really interested in beautiful visuals and words, so I think I'm going to have to let go of some food and personal finance blogs that aren't as big of a draw for me right now.

    I guess that means I'll be prioritizing. :-)

  5. Im tickled that Im already in there..
    and am totally going to try it...

    I am not a fan of google reader.

  6. thanks for the good tip!

  7. I love KT! And I also like Blog Lovin' way better than Google, in fact...I just posted about my change, too. =)

  8. I heard about this from KT too and wondered about investigating. Even with my blogs all sorted in Google Reader I still get stressed when I see that number on opening, just as you say.

    Maybe I need to go off and investigate...


hi. thanks for your sweet words.