


Today I want to share a few more things from my grateful list before Thanksgiving. The holidays are really upon us!! I am off to work tonight, then loading up our little family and heading over the river and through the woods to grandma's house tomorrow evening. Really excited to get my whole family together and for G to play with his cousin E. What are your plans? What's on your list of gratefuls this year?
20. I am thankful for color. It's such a huge piece of creation and an amazing property of light. It makes me happy every day--in a zillion different places and combos. Its possibilities are endless.

21. I am thankful for clean, safe, and readily available drinking water.

22. I am thankful for my hubs. He's a really good guy and really good to our family. He's almost always kind, considerate, and adorable with G. Jeff makes a mean pancake and is {admittedly} better than I am at making the bed.
23. I am thankful for home video. The other night, we were flipping through some old favorites and G stood near with his mouth dropped, curiously watching himself on the big screen. How fun for him to have these little tidbits + memories as he grows. There are some things you just can't capture with still photos. Like hearing the hiccups he had when he was 1 week old. Or the time his case of the giggles turned into wild squeals. Or seeing his first few steps. We're working on another really awesome video of him peeling an orange. I was completely floored when I saw him peel one completely unassisted for the first time this week. I am in awe of his fine motor skills.

24. I am thankful for leftovers. For quick convenient remnants that taste even better the second time around and require minimal effort to prepare.

25. I am thankful for snowflakes that stay on your nose + eyelashes. There are flurries flying as I write this and I think it's pretty awe-inspiring that every single snowflake is completely unique. A miniature masterpiece. I've been meaning to get this book of micro photographed flakes for my coffee table. {So I can admire them from the warmth of my own couch.}

***Please don't forget this week's giveaway!***


  1. So many things to be thankful for! :) I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels wherever you may go. :) Have a blessed week sweetie!

  2. great list! i too am thankful for water, especially to live in a country where we have clean water :)

  3. wonderful list! I really like that you said color. I have been admiring and enjoying the color of the leaves around here so much this year. It seems that we have had quite a show from the Master Artist around these parts of North Texas where one doesn't always expect to see it. It has been making me so glad.

    I am excited to see that video of G peeling the clementine! So fun!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Kelly


hi. thanks for your sweet words.