

the start of october

Happy Friday & Happy October! Can you even believe that another new month has rolled around?

This week we bought the perfect round + bright orange pumpkin. {Can't wait to carve Graham's likeness on it in a couple weeks.} We've never had much of a front stoop before this year, so you can imagine my delight in filling the doorway of our new house with pretty mums and other fall things. Mmm...want to come over for some apple cider?

I loved reading all of your favorite sights, smells, sounds, and tastes of fall in Monday's post. There's definitely so much to celebrate in spite of the days growing short. Really, the 6:30pm sunset is the only downside to fall--and even that is giving us some really cozy evenings at home.

And the winner of this week's Penpal Project giveaway:

Fall in San Diego means it is finally warm enough to go swimming at the beach. That's my favorite part of "fall" in SoCal.


  1. your front stoop is perfect! i really love it.

  2. This picture is gorgeous...what a great entrance...Love it!

    Regards from Holland

    ~ Veronique ~

  3. Love your entrance! The curved top is really special..sorry I can't seem to come up with the correct term...roof? overhang? Very pretty indeed! I haven't bought a pumpkin yet...always wait until October! I guess I have permission to buy one now!

  4. Awesome! I love postcards- this was the perfect one to win!

  5. your stoop is many festive goodies to find a home on your steps! oh and yes please, i would love to come over for some apple cider ;o)
    happy october to you...enjoy your sunday!

  6. I absolutely love your front porch sweetie! Your mums are beautiful! The pumpkin - absolutely perfect. =)

  7. I am waay behind in reading. :) I love your front porch! Love the curved "ceiling" and the architectural interest over the door! I have a berry wreath on my door too. :) I'm going to get a pumpkin to put on an old wooden chair I have right now! Thanks for the inspiration. Kelly


hi. thanks for your sweet words.