

summer sliders

We pretty much had a perfect weekend.
We had lots of company--Jeff's dad & brother were in town until yesterday morning.
Then had a few friends (+ 2 of G's girlfriends) over for an impromptu bbq last night.
It was such a kick to watch our kiddos toddle all over the backyard.
Finally had a chance to try our favorite bombay curry sliders on the grill. Just how I imagined we would once we finally had a backyard to call our own. It's really amazing to look back over our year so far and see how faithful + generous God has been to us.
The house is spic, span, and as unpacked as it's ever been. A semi-huge accomplishment.
We have a new dining room table! It seats eight. Definitely dinner party-worthy. Thanks again, craigslist.
Our garden has been planted + weeded, or at least to the extent that we'd hoped to work on it this year.

On this week's to do list:
*make salsa
*can salsa?
*a little craft project
*hang curtains upstairs (finally. really.)
*Junk Bonanza!

Happy Monday, friends.


  1. Those sliders are mouthwatering! YUM.

    xx Love & Aloha
    *Swing by to enter a Vintage Giveaway! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing the recipe - we made these last week with friends and they are amazing! :)


hi. thanks for your sweet words.