


: i've been obsessed with pinwheels. i bought a box of cheap yellow pencils and have been folding+pinning my favorite double-sided papers into their pink erasers. such a great, simple craft. they make me really happy.

: it's beginning to feel a lot like summer. the weather is oh-so warm, the sun is bright, the days are lasting forever, and the windows are open 24/7. we've dusted off our grill and have been enjoying our food with a hint of charcoal.

: i'm rejoicing in G's wobbly waddle. thanks for saying such sweet things about my painfully blurry, vertigo-inducing home video. let's just say this proud mama couldn't wait to show you the wonderment of his first steps. i always hate hearing my voice on video. especially the high-pitched baby praise. you're wonderful for even watching. seriously the best. (and yes, we've been teaching him a little sign language. it's an amazing way to communicate during this time before he learns to articulate his needs with words.)

: our calendar is crammed. we've been crazy busy and i've been struggling to keep up and strike a balance. i know i'm not alone--our lives are all so full. and i can't even complain, because lately we've been blessed with so many wonderful opportunities, like shooting several weddings and house hunting. i've been feeling both exhausted and guilty about (the lack of) keeping up around here, which is silly, because i know it's not vital to daily living. but blogging is so good for my heart, and i could never entirely set it aside. it helps me keep things in perspective. which is why

: i've decided to send my little Meet the Maker feature on summer vacation. i absolutely love writing them and meeting the fabulous crafters myself, but am choosing to free myself of the time commitment for a little while. sorry if you missed seeing it this week. promise it will swing back around in the fall.


  1. i'm loving pinwheels, too! my friend is making a pinwheel mobile for her baby and it's super cute!

  2. i love the pinwheels. There are so many fun things you can do with them!

  3. would you ming sharing if you have a link to the pinwheels? i am planning a baby shower and i think they would be great favors and decorations.

  4. ohh i LOVE pinwheels! i just tried to make one this weekend but i didn't have the pins or sticks to use for it! must try it again very soon!


hi. thanks for your sweet words.