

a fishy foot stool

Since I had such a blast making the original, last week I met up with my friend Bryn to decorate step stools as birthday gifts for our little guys (they were born 3 weeks apart!). Did you know Amy Butler has a line of paper? I picked up a stack and decoupaged with sheets to match Graham's nursery. I kinda like how the paper looks on the sides.

And yes, I've already let him play with it. Saving on wrapping paper. Sorta lame, I know. But I am getting so excited for his birthday this weekend! Can't wait to share his invites and party pics. We are having a smallish family get-together on Saturday.

Confession time (for anyone reading with the misconception that I am a seasoned crafter): After wasting an entire evening agonizing over the fish, bubbles, and letters on the top, I triumphantly brushed on a sealing coat of decoupage. That's when craftastrophe struck. I accidentally double dipped with my (wet) white paint brush. (Of course one can't tell the difference when they are wet.) I couldn't figure out why the top would not dry...And when I did, I threw my paint brush at the wall...Oh snap! White streaks blemishing my project! Epic fail.
Am ready to be turned over to fail blog.
Am keeping a stiff upper lip.
Am trying to embrace imperfection.
There's no way I'm doing this over.
G doesn't mind it one bit.


  1. That is a great stool!!

    xx Love & Aloha
    **I have a little GIVEAWAY on my blog. Ends Tonight!

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  3. What a cute little stool! You did a good job...let's just say the white brush marks were to give it a white wash look! :)

  4. Jess, I feel you on this one. I am a crafting school drop out. Once, when trying to learn to purl while knitting I threw my knitting needles across the room in a disgustingly childish fit of rage. Something about crafting failures just gets to your heart!

    But, this is definitely not a's so sweet, and if anything the tiny white lines give it a little bit of unplanned character! :)

  5. That is like 90% of my craft projects, there is always something that doesn't go right. I'm always intimidated by all the perfectionists in the craft world - so glad that you're willing to shrug it off. It is one adorable stepstool anyway!! LOVE the Amy Butler paper!

  6. i never would have noticed the streaks if you hadn't told me! seriously! i think they go nicely with the water theme.. they can serve as waves.

    way to go on all the cute mom projects! i want to be just like you someday.

  7. Awww, I think it still looks really great. (I like that you threw the paintbrush against the wall :-)

  8. Anonymous4/06/2010

    Very sweet little stool! The paper is just darling!

  9. Jess I love this stool....AND I am going to ask my neighbor for permission and colors...but would you be willing to make one for my little neighbor Avery?
    I'll let you know when I talk to her mom!

  10. It's adorable, and G would love it perfect or not :)

    I also love that you threw your brush against the wall...we've all been thinking that you're perfect for so long ;)


  11. If you already had a few coats of decoupage on it, you could try wet-sanding the top coat. I've "erased" decoupage mistakes with wet sanding before and it works well as long as the sandpaper is fine (400 or higher) and it's kept wet. This would only work if you already had a few coats on it. You can wet sand varnish coats too.
    It's a very cute stool, even with the white!

  12. Oh! I'm so sorry. I really do think it makes it look like waves! Next thing you know Pottery Barn is going to be coming out with things that look exactly like this. Just you wait and see! ;) Kelly


hi. thanks for your sweet words.