

craft hope for haiti

Am feeling a bit childish after venting about my tizzy of a week. Here I am, safe, warm, and utterly blessed while today, two weeks after the horrible earthquake, people are still without shelter or water in Haiti. I seriously cannot even begin to comprehend the magnitude of tragedy and loss that these people have experienced. Jeff and I donated a small sum initially to Compassion, but still that seems so insufficient. My heart is so heavy for each one and am praying that the comfort of Jesus would reach all of them.
Last night I stumbled upon the most crazy-cool etsy shop and fundraiser, Craft Hope for Haiti. It is full of beautiful items donated by crafters and artisans and has already raised over $27k for Doctors Without Borders. The two women who organized this have had such an overwhelming response that they currently cannot even accept new donations! Am hoping that these generous mamas can get some relief themselves, because I am eager and anxious to donate something asap. In the mean time, shop your heart out. The awesome thing is that this is just a drop in the bucket of amazing, creative organizations and relief effort stories. I am curious, what Haiti helpers are inspiring you today?


  1. Love the site! Picked up a little birthday present on there. I love the 7 year old in London who rode 5 miles around a park hoping to raise $800 and instead is up to $160,000!

  2. Anonymous1/27/2010

    A friend said to me yesterday ... just because someone else has a worse problem (eg the people in Haiti) it doesn't make your problem less important .... so yes, we can still have a moan about things!!


hi. thanks for your sweet words.