

dec. daily {no. 15} handmade tags

Am proud to report that last weekend I officially wrapped up the shopping and hauled out the wrapping paper. With the right tools--pretty paper, a pile o' ribbon, at least 3 rolls of Scotch tape, and snazzy tags--wrapping presents can be a dream come true. Seriously, this is my favorite part of Christmas prep. (I realize I say that about everything.) And making your own merry mini gift tags is a quick craft that can add a whole lot of pizazz to the simplest of gifts. I cranked almost 2 dozen of these out in an hour, while a certain creepy crawler played under the table with my ribbon stash and a big jar of buttons.
{Fun button embellishments from here were a gift last year from a sweet friend.}


  1. These are really, really cute...this year I bought a pack of 60 pretty cute (but not handmade) tags at Costco...for only $7.00! Your tags are cuter!

  2. These are so pretty! You have some really great ideas! :)

  3. These are so great Jess! How come doilies got such a bad rap for so long? I found an adorable and easy doily ornament project in the Dec. English Country Living mag.

  4. These gift tags are lovely!!!

  5. Love, love, love the handmade tags. When do you find the time?!?!? Seems like it could take all year to prepare for Christmas! It also looks like it would be a lot of fun to make. Thanks for sharing the pics and the inspiration!

    Susan at Charm of the Carolines


hi. thanks for your sweet words.