

dec. daily {no. 11} : cookies commence

For obvious reasons, Christmas baking is one of my all-time favorite traditions. Every December my mom would (and still does!) turn the house into a cookie factory. Not even exaggerating--she would spend an entire week baking from dawn until dusk plus chase 5 stinking kids in between. And she would not stop 'til every piece of Tupperware was filled with every form of Christmas cookie known to man. Call it overkill, but come Christmas Eve, our fam would feast on the sugary delights and my mom would not need to lift a finger to bake again 'til Easter.

No way can I come close to producing such a bounty. (Nor do I need to--we'll be going home to a cookie extravaganza at my parents' this year for the holidays.) But I will try my hands at a few favs.

This year's short and sweet to-bake list:

Sugar cookie cut-outs, festively glazed+ sprinkled
Almond spritz cookies
Peanut butter stars
Mint brownies
Oreo truffles*

What's in your oven this year?

*More on the truffles tomorrow!


  1. Mmmm....cookies. :) My favorites are the Almond spritz are making me want to bake now too!

  2. Mmm, baking and cookies. What a lovely festive tradition!

  3. Yay!!

    We are making almond spritz tomorrow morning, and otherwise planning to participate in the feast at your parents' house. :)

    In the past few months, I've also made snickerdoodles and fudge, so we haven't been in the mood for those as we've been eating xmas cookies since early October!

  4. If the oreo truffles that you make are anything like what Chad's mom makes, then I know they'll be stellar because her's are too!

    Happy Baking!

  5. Your pictures are beautiful! I hope that you don't mind, I "stole" a couple of your little widgets. Thanks so much for your comment!
    I'll be making sugar cookies this year and probably a pound cake since I like to go straight for the jugular when it comes sugar and butter. :)


hi. thanks for your sweet words.