

a toy for the boy

'Tis the season for holiday list making and gift giving. We're attempting to stick to a slim budget this year, but want to invest in one nice toy for Mr. G. Since he'll be right around the standing age come Dec. 25, I would love for him to have a little walker. This one is awesome because it has a wagon and seat so he can cart around his favorite little stuffed friends.

All of the early bird shopping this year really prompted Jeff and I to have a conversation about being mindful of the toys we bring into our home over the years. In an age of consumerism and a nation of abundance (despite the recession, wouldn't you say that we're still doing pretty well for ourselves?) it's easy to get swept up in crazy Christmas spending and blur the lines between wants and needs. Of course we want to give generously to Graham, and in so doing, nurture a spirit of generosity and gratefulness in him, but I digress. Instead of quantity, we want to try to choose quality toys. Things that are great quality and can withstand years of bangs and busyness. Things that he can learn to value and take care of (and not throw away). Things that a Grandpa Graham could reuse and share with his grandkids. We want to get back to the basics and invest in toys that are simple, solid, and natural. Things that will spark his curiosity and challenge his big imagination. By the way, I LOVE the fact that wooden toys are making a comeback!


  1. I, as well, love that wooden toys are coming back in a big way. I'm going to be going on a webhunt for some that I can get Uriah!

  2. I agree completely - wooden toys that are used over generations are by far the best and hold such special different memories for each person who is lucky enough to own for a little time.

  3. i totally agree...some of my favorite toys from when i was a kid were simple and didn't need tons of batteries or make lots of noise.

  4. Thrift/Antique stores may be your new best friend...just remember you can always disinfect wood =) I love the fact that wood toys may also stand a chance at making it through more then one of your children.

  5. we have lots of wooden toys and enjoy them the most.

    the biggest toy hit in our house these days is lincoln logs, and I love that she loves them.

    super cute wagon

  6. And hence the reason you have Auntie Kayt... you can be practical and I can spoil so he has the best of both worlds :)

  7. Wise, wise woman you I look around my basement cluttered with toys accumulated over the past five years. I hear attracted to the more vintage/wooden toys now as well. My Mom and I just picked out a new vintage version of the Fischer Price t.v. that plays music for Quinn for Christmas. Very nice push toy, he'll love it!

  8. I agree! And, we are determined that our house isn't going to become a toy museum, with bundles of toys in every room! I really like this wagon... will have to keep it in mind...


hi. thanks for your sweet words.