

getting thrifty

September is here with a bang. We've been having cooler weather here and it's beginning to feel a lot like fall. Ready or not, here it comes. As you can see, last weekend's garage sales treated me so well! I couldn't believe my eyes when I found this beautiful hand-stitched antique quilt. Am so in love with every bit of fabric, the pattern, and the colors! So much in love that it inspired me to {finally} change up the blog banner around here. I have zero graphic design skills, so it's always a project. :)I also picked up some dandy little milk glass dishes and a couple of pretty vintage linens. Very fun!


  1. Anonymous9/01/2009

    That is a great quilt!! I love all the colors!

  2. that quilt is a super duper find....
    and of course I love the milkglass.

  3. wow- you hit the mother lode!

  4. What a gorgeous quilt!! I've been looking for something just like that - maybe I need to head out to a few more garage sales this weekend:) So glad to find your blog now, too!

  5. Hi Jessica,

    You have a beautiful blog... and thanks for dropping by. :)

    The quilt was a super find!


  6. you scored big time!!! Wow! I would have snatched all of that up too! I've been looking for some milk glasses pieces like those. I have one and my sis-in-law would like one. Fun! Glad you got such great stuff. Kelly

  7. wow that quilt is amazingly beautiful :)

    and these are all such lovely finds.!
    Have fun at the wedding I can't wait to see pictures - seriously I can't get enough of anything 'wedding' these days :)

    oh and that pic of your brother - priceless lol!

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog. This is a fantastic quilt, I hope you don't mind if I sit and study it in the hopes of possibly being able to recreate it someday.

  9. i love that quilt, and your header looks great! perfect font for the picture.


hi. thanks for your sweet words.