

2 months!?

Dear sweet lil' Graham,

You are two months old today. How is that possible!? You are growing so big and so painfully fast that we no longer count your age in days, or even weeks, but months. Your cheeks are getting chubbier, legs a bit more rolly, and that round little tummy of yours--oh my. Last week when we took you to visit the pediatrician, you weighed almost 12 lbs already and I almost cried more than you did when they stuck your chunky thighs with round 1 of immunizations. {We're glad that's over for 2 more months anyway.} It's no wonder that you've already sprouted out of your 0-3 months clothes! But growing into a whole new size means more fun for mommy when it comes to getting dressed in the morning.

Even more fun than watching you grow so big, is watching those bright blue eyes of yours become more focused and more curious every day. You've become so much more interactive; you've discovered your little hands, and just about every single facial expression in the book. You use your voice now for more than just blood-curdling crying. Your coos are irresistably adorable. The changing table used to be the most awful place--you used to scream when we tortured you by changing your dirty dipes. But now, you love it there. Just hanging out, doing your little boy thing. That's where we get the best smiles and coos out of you!But your most beloved activity of late (besides eating and napping, of course), is bathtime. You just drink it up--soaking, splashing, and wiggling around. So to celebrate today, we {accidentally} added 2x the bubbles! You are a fan.


  1. Anonymous6/09/2009

    He's so adorable!!! And I know exactly what you mean about crying when they get their shots!! I hate to say it but it doesn't get any easier! :( I still hate to see mine cry when they get a shot! He is so cute with the bubbles!! :D

  2. Oh my goodness!! Those are the cutest pictures EVER!!

  3. Anonymous6/10/2009

    Too cute! Looks like he loves the bubbles!!!

  4. I love the little bubble head!

  5. Jessica, The bubble pic is priceless! Such a happy babe~

  6. ohhh Jessica, ever so sweet.

    and what a wonderfull 2 month birthday treat...
    he is precious, and Rylan kisses his picture on our fridge! :)

  7. What sweet, sweet photos! It broke my heart when I went with my sister-in-law to take my nephew to the pediatrician for his immunizations! Kelly

  8. What a sweet boy! Time fly's when your having fun! Miss all three of you!

  9. ohhh my, he's so so so cute! and the bubble heaad shot is great!

  10. Oh perfect are these photos. What a beautiful boy you have!

    Happy two months, little Graham. You're a cute little toot knocker.

  11. LOVE the bubbles picture. So cute! They just get more and more fun don't they? Quinn just gave me some great genuine smiles last night and I melted. He smiled when our eyes met so I felt a real connection. So fun! Hope things are going well with your impending move!


hi. thanks for your sweet words.