this is what I'd hope to see:

I have a confession: I've left tumblr for a new love: pinterest. It's nothing personal. It's not that I won't be updating my tumblr every now and then--it's just that pinterest is currently rocking my world. The little librarian in me loves that I can categorize all the pretty things I see. Mix & match, share & stash. A little more collecting, and it's going to sum up my wildest dreams. How fun to have a place to gather your whole aesthetic. At first glance, I thought it might be just another guilty pleasure. But then I found this quote:

Love that quote! I'm going to steal it! :)
oh so many beautiful photos!! i only recently discovered pinterest, and i haven't let myself get too into it - i still don't understand what it is or how to use it, which is probably a good thing right now. :) and i love that quote. what a great way to look at life.
What a great quote! I'm going to think of that the next time I start to feel guilty for wasting time...
How do you sign up for Pinterest because a while back I tried and it just told me I was on a waiting list or something.
I recently saved that quote in my Tumblr! I'm on pinterest but haven't figured out how to use it just yet.
I love to waste time reading, writing letters, daydreaming and perusing the pretty pictures in my tumblr! Oh and I've recently discovered the fun of wasting time on twitter, too.
Oh I was wondering if you had an account. I was going to invite you. I don't have a tumblr, but it"s way better in my opinion!
I guess I need to invite my little sis! Andi was saying-it's so funny that you need to wait or get an invite- it's like how gmail was when it first began!
I created a twitter just so I could pin- but now I'm having trouble finding friends.
@ Jenny: I will invite you!
@ Becca: you can friend us on twitter!! we're @jefflovesjess
**Apparently pinterest is by invite only. Anyone interested in joining--email me at and I will shoot you an invite!
Oh my gosh! Collecting pictures like these on the internet, and then slotting them into folders on the laptop... appropriately named "flowers", "romantic", "cats and girls" etc... All this while sitting on the bedspread and drinking fruit tea :) bliss! And of course not wasted at all! (Who knows when I'll need quick access to a photo of a girl and a cat?)
I absolutely love pinterest it is awesome! I just recently found it and I didn't know quite what it was but when I figured it out I was so excited! I will have to look at your pins! I found this quote on Pinterest I think I pinned it also! As soon as I read it I felt better about spending so much time on there!
Pintrest + Tumblr are my perfect definition of finding " your happy place". Loving your boards friend...
I hope Heaven looks like #4!
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