There are 4 chances to enter this giveaway and drop the prettiest letterpress cards in the mail this year:
1. Leave a comment below sharing your favorite pre-Christmas activity.
2. Blog, tweet, or facebook this giveaway and leave a separate comment stating you did so.
3. Visit Armato Design's shop and leave an additional comment telling your favorite design.
4. Like Armato Design & Press on Facebook.

Q|A with Amy Armato:
1. Tell us a little about your creative process.
My creative process is dictated by research and my clients. A lot of talking, thinking, sketching and retooling.
2. Describe your perfect day.
I'm up early in a quiet house, coffee in had and no fires to put out. Just me and the task at hand whether it be blogging, marketing, designing. Then I have breakfast with my family followed by more work. The afternoon would be spent getting inspired either by another person or a new place or talking shop with another creative. It ends with a feeling of accomplishment and nothing hanging over my head.
3. What is the most challenging thing about running your business?
The money stuff and finding time for marketing. If I could just design and blog I'd be a happy camper.
4. We love how fresh and creative your designs are. Where do you find your inspiration?
My designs largely come from my art history back ground and my love of juxtapostion. So I love vintage artwork mixed with modern sentiments, typography, etc. I am also continually inspired by my clients and their interests.
5. Where can we find more of your work?
web | armatodesign
etsy | armatodesign.etsy.com,
blog |the wedding phile
Favorite pre-Christmas activity: making cookies! My mom and sister came to visit for the weekend, and we had so much fun making and decorating cookies.
So beautiful!!
My favorite pre-Christmas activity is wrapping gifts. I love to make them really pretty. XO Jill
I love them all, but I especially love the "Partridge, Pear, Tree" cards. I'm a sucker for stationary...
Just liked them on FB! So awesome!
One of my favorite pre-christmas activities is driving around looking at lights. It seems that growing up, there were quite a few more houses who put out lights so this year we're trying a few outdoor light set-ups. :-)
Oh, and I "liked" them on Facebook!
My favorite pre-Christmas activity is making lefse with my mom on Christmas Eve morning while listening to the Christmas Story being read on public radio.
I posted a link on my facebook!
My favorite design is the Rudolph letter press
P.S. I also "liked" this on facebook
My favorite activity is baking before Christmas. And then eating, of course!
From the shop I love the Rudolph letterpress design.
My favorite activity to prepare for Christmas is wrapping gifts and decorating the tree!
I just 'liked' Amy's shop on Facebook!
The "Hello Tree" cards are my favorite on her Etsy shop. Simple but oh so cute!
my favorite Christmas-time activity is baking cookies- all different kinds!
Such cute stuff!
Fav pre-christmas activity: chopping down a tree. Does it get better than cold, sappy, messy goodness? :)
i love the Merry Wishes Card from the shop!
My favorite pre-Christmas activity is making wreaths with the family made out of paper.
I have liked them on FB too.
I love decorating Christmas cookies, but I only ever want to eat about three of them.
Also, I must watch White Christmas every year, it's my favorite holiday film.
Favorite pre-Christmas activity is getting up the tree and all of the decorations - so much fun and so festive!
LOOOOOooooOOOOve the sweet portable mistletoe design:)
Liked on FB, too!
Favorite pre-Christmas activity: decorating the house! Just did it tonight and it was so much fun!
I've got to go with: Merry Wishes as my pick.
I just "liked" on Facebook.
my favorite prechristmas activity is cuddling on the couch watching christmas movies with my husband and puppy!
Favorite pre-christmas activity: Visiting Balboa Park and all the international houses during December Nights. It's also one of the few times I can wear a hat and gloves in San Diego.
A favorite pre-Christmas activity of mine is Cristmas Crafting!
Also, how darling are the portable Mistletoe card!
i love decorating the house. Well, I love it all actually, the baking, wrapping, shopping, giving. it is my favorite time of year.
and i am having a hard time picking, but I love the mistletoe and the Victorian Thank-you's.
Beautiful stationary. Our favorite pre Christmas activity is baking cookies and decorating them Christmas eve for Santa.
Amy's Stuff is charming. My favorite Christmas activity is sitting by the Christmas tree playing Eye-Spy. It's something I've done since childhood and just a fun simple way to start an evening.
Favorite pre-Christmas activity: Baking cookies. And taste-testing them, of course. ;-)
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